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Bowood - September 2018

IT RAINED - A LOT!  Then it rained some more - yes folks, it was very very wet - but the show still went on.  

You are all such a hardy and ever-happy lot that between the volunteer helpers and the competitors and judges we all made it another wonderful weekend.

It was a rain-sodden event marked by the sparky determination of our wonderful ever-cheerful band of helpers who got on with the job of running the event and getting very wet.


Powered by bacon rolls, hot soup and a good lunch they lit a spark and injected a bit of genius into a day that could easily have been a wash-out in every sense of the word!  But it was quite the opposite - a very good time was had by all.

THANKS TO OUR VOLUNTEER HELPERS so many of whom come back each year to make the Bowood Gundog Tests special.

Sticking to the soggy theme - COMPETITORS were not downhearted or deterred by the appalling weather.  They turned up in just the same numbers as usual.  We are sure you had a good time and enjoyed testing yourself and your dog in those rainy conditions.


OUR JUDGES - what can you say? !  Thank you once again to our indefatigable judges "The Two Martins" - Martin Harris and Martin Love aka M & M Gundog Training.

Through the downpours they stayed out there without a break in seemingly continuous rain.  They judged, smiled, grinned and had their usual ready quip and message of encouragement and advice to the competitors.

Even the Martins cannot be in two places at once - they are booked for another show elsewhere for 2019 - so watch this space for details of 2019's judges.


Skinners Pet Foods sponsor our prizes - thanks to Skinners for your support and Beth for all your help.

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