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Bowood - September 2016

Two great days!

Thanks for all your text and email messages . . .

Volunteer helper -

"Hi, thanks again for a wonderful weekend.  It has been smashing and you all do the job with warmth, calmness and a real passion for bringing people together.  It is a pleasure to feel part of the gang.  P.S.  Happy to do bacon butty duty next year!"
One organiser to another -
"Completely shattered on Monday, still recuperating!  Volunteers absolutely brilliant, too many to name in a text message, but what wonderful players they were sticking to their stations on the booking in desk, catering, stewarding and dummy throwing all day.  They did a fantastic job supporting the judges and gave the competitors a really good time."
Competitors -
"Had a great day Saturday, first test EVER with 13 month old lab,  judges were fab - gave me loads of advice and pointers!! Thank you. 
Thank you for a great introduction to working tests for Archie and Merlin - he was so thrilled with his trophy.
Great day, my first test as a novice with young dog, wonderful helpful judges."
A BIG thank you to our. . .

Retrievers - Chris Aston, Steve Cullis, Paula Cullis and Helen Goodwin and Lisa Harris

Spaniels - Martin Love and Martin Harris

It's hard work for our judges you know!  On their feet all day,  concentrating, endlessly patient, walking up and down that hill and talking, quite a lot!  Judges - you make the day everything it is - a chance for people to accomplish something new, to leave with the rosy glow of satisfaction from having had a go and, especially for the deserving winners, the thrill of success.


What a wonderful dedicated bunch you are.  Good fun for all thanks to the dedication and sheer hard work of so many, setting up the course, manning and womaning the reception desk, stewarding, catering, dummy throwing and looking after the competitors so well.


The old adage "if it was easy they would all be doing it" is so true!  Thanks for taking part, being good sports and being part of the event.


Skinners Pet Foods sponsors of prizes - thanks to you for bags of dog grub vouchers and bags of support.

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