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Bowood - September 2015

The word was out!

Living Heritage and Bob Pownall had liked what the “Bowood Team” had done at the 2014 Wiltshire Game & Country Fair and asked us to do it again. For the second year BWWGS and its team went into action for what proved to be an even bigger event.

We were thrilled to be supported by another army of volunteer helpers, to meet more contestants and to have Fair visitors coming in greater numbers to enjoy the sunny scene at the test area to meet, chat, catch-up and watch the dogs in action on the test courses.

The year before, the tests proved the value of the concept that these events could offer a place for:

•   A relaxed, friendly and supportive style of competition.

•   Training development opportunity for dog and handler.

•   Meeting, networking - a place to find out where do I, how do I? . . . in the gundog world.

The Judges

Retreivers - Steve and Paula Cullis, Chris Aston and Karen Pinker.

Spaniels - Tom Sheppard, Geoff Shore, Martin Kilminster and Andy Faulkner.

HPRs - Lee Loverage, Fiona Wensley and Ray Davies.



The tests were generously supported by Skinners Pet Foods and Pinkers Country Store sponsored prizes. Raycox Turf provided the jump fencing for the retriever test. The sun shone for two days, our army of forty or so volunteers worked hard over the weekend to welcome visitors and competitors and took many enquiries from people wanting to know where they could find gundog training and get involved.


As a result of the September 2015 Bowood event, through the following winter and summer of 2016 many of those who came to see us at the Show have been put in touch with training classes and learned how to begin to train their own gundog.

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